A modern recruitment marketing agency for SME's 

5x your hiring pipeline without ineffective job boards or expensive recruiters. Attract, engage and convert passive and active job seekers today without breaking the bank!


A recruitment marketing concept that works for 90% of the profiles. It reduces your cost-per-hire and time-to-hire even in tight market conditions!

Smart Recruitment Funnels

Mobile first recruitment funnels optimized for engagement and conversion. Gone are the days that interested job seekers pass on applying due to uninspiring job pages and complex application processes. 

Data-driven ad campaigns


We know where your future employees hang out. Our experts have a demonstrated track record in advertising. Whether you need to fill positions today or want fully fledged employer brand campaign, we've got this!


Our expert get your campaigns live within 48 hours. We understand you need staff yesterday,


Resources, workshops and courses

Get your team up speed with the most modern ways to attract and convert top talent before your competition does. In-house training, online training and DIY and Done-with-you courses to acquire talent yesterday!

"We received several good candidates very quickly. Yesterday we signed contracts with one of them (within 11 days). We found her through your campaign, so that just convinces us again that your system worked well. 


Jacqueline Stad

Director - PDA Group

"A super effective concept to quickly and instantly shortlist the right applicants. Hirelab has shortened the application process for us and increased the quality of candidates. We even hired technical people. 

We can therefore only recommend Hirelab's services!"


Jordy van Osch

CTO - Chainable 



Download our E-Book: 

Hiring in the new age

New times - New approach


Learn how to:


a) Break with traditional hiring methods

b) Design a foolproof recruitment funnel 

c) Approach the unreachable

d) Setup automations to this on autopilot

e) Boost your Recruitment ROI 


"See you hiring pipeline grow within the first days 

cut costs and time-to-hire drastically."

5x your hiring pipeline with instant recruitment funnels

Get in touch with our experts to 

discover what we can do for you.